
In short, it is a unique name for an internet address (web site), e.g. A domain is an address on the Internet, similar to your 'regular' address where you receive mail.

By typing in the address field in the web browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera...) the name of the domain, people access the Internet pages of the registrant of that domain (of course, if they exist).

The domain name is unique, i.e. there cannot be multiple domains of the same name.



Hosting (or web hosting) is the service of renting space on the internet server on which your web pages will be located. After typing and finding your domain that was mentioned in the previous part, the content of your site would not be visible if you do not have hosting.

In order for the content of the page itself to be displayed, it must be saved somewhere. That's what web hosting servers are for, which store your content and provide the ability to display it whenever necessary.


SSL Certifikate

SSL certificate (Secure Socket Layer). SSL is a method of encrypting web traffic, which prevents unauthorized access to web packages, and ensures secure sending of confidential data over the web (credit cards and other confidential documents).

Like any other type of information, the most important are those that the visitor enters in certain forms. Whether it is a name, phone number, e-mail or, as already mentioned, the card number as one of the most sensitive data.

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